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Thomas Duggan is a designer and director of Thomas Duggan Studio, a collaborative and multidisciplinary research studio exploring Craft, Design, Material Science, Biodesign, Architecture and Sculpture.

Thomas’ quiet yet complex and visually arresting practice is one of multidisciplinary research, investigating and interpreting principles found within nature while excavating new opportunities between materials and methods within art and design.

Forwards-looking and future-assembling, his work seeks to find new ways of 'languaging' and ‘presencing', to give voice to a more-than-human world. His work is informed by a theoretical interest in bridging and hybridity between the human hand and the self-organising powers of nonhuman processes, creating works made from materials and methods that are both ancient, advanced and have an intention to positively impact on things that matter.

Thomas has published work within leading scientific journals including Nature Nanotechnology, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), as well as exhibiting at the Victoria & Albert Museum, Tate Gallery and MoMA. Thomas is faculty and Research Facilitator at the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC). He is postgraduate lecturer on the Master in Design for Distributed Innovation (MDDI), the Master in Design for Emergent Futures (MDEF) and postgraduate lecturer and Unit Leader at AUP.